Why retro-futurist?

There’s a reason this site focuses on retro-futurist techno-utopias, and not techno-utopias in general: Because in many cases the retro-futurist ones are already possible.

There are an infinite number of techo-utopias that are impossible—some that are only impossible now, others that will probably always be impossible. Those aren’t really very interesting. But other techno-utopias are possible, and among the retro-futurist ones the hunting grounds are rich.

What is “retro-futurist” anyway?

Anything written about the future is futurist. I use “retro-futurist” to describe things written in the past about the future they saw.

Of course, retro-futurist visions are rarely realized just as the visionary anticipates. Even so, there are many common threads of retro-futurist thinking that have come to be realized. For example, one broad category of retro-futurist techno-utopias feature technological advances that reduce the need for human labor to the point that an ordinary worker could provide for the necessities of life with only a few hours of labor per week. Those retro-futurist techno-utopias are already possible. We have the technology.

Why aren’t we already there?

If techno-utopias are already possible, why are we living in a world with so much hunger, poverty, and misery?

There are a lot of reasons, some historical, some having to do with human nature, and others with the limits of technology (and the planet). But just because we aren’t all living in a techno-utopia doesn’t mean that any particular one of us can’t choose to build a techno-utopia just for ourselves.

Helping you do so is exactly what this site is for.

Choose a techno-utopia that’s a utopia for you. Choose a retro-futurist one, to increase the chance that the one you choose will be possible today.

Then get started building it. That’s what this site is all about.

Why techno-utopias?

Why utopias seems obvious, I think: Who doesn’t want to live in utopia?

Of course, you want to be careful here—inside every interesting dystopia there’s probably somebody who thinks it’s utopia—but as we’re talking about personal utopias, that doesn’t seem like a showstopper. Anybody who doesn’t want to live in yours doesn’t have to.

The more interesting question is why techno-utopias?

The answer to that is, because techno-utopias are much more “build your own” utopias than most other types.

Your own personal preferences might incline you more toward socialist utopias or anarcho-syndicalist utopias or eco-utopias. Maybe your utopia is tribe of hunter-gatherers or a village of yeoman farmers. But all those utopias require activity cooperation from so many other people that they’re probably impractical.

Building a techno-utopia, on the other hand, is entirely possible for one person or one family. And it’s possible right now.

Helping you do so is exactly what this site is for.